UI / UX Designer
PT. Frisidea Tech Indonesia
Kota Administrasi Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia
Industri :
Posisi yang dibuka: 0
Total seluruh posisi: 9
Posted : 14 December 2018 00:00 WIBtutup
Kategori Posisi : Umum
Frisidea is a software house and idea lab company that creates software technology, and software product development.

Jenjang : Minimal Sarjana/S1
Prodi : Semua Prodi
  1. At least 2 years of working experiences UI/ UX Design and Design Graphic
  2. Bachelor (S1) in computer science and engineering
  3. Skill set requirements: HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, Mobile Prototyping (Android & IOS)
  4. In depth knowledge of online media product practice, such as web cross browser support
  5. Must having experience in prototyping tools such as Axure or marvel
  6. Experience working for a software company or start up is a plus
  7. Experience using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator
  8. Have experience designing responsive mobile / web application
  9. have a passion for Web Design and Development
  10. Able to work with or without supervision
Level Masuk : Entry Level
Jumlah : 2 orang
Penempatan : Pluit Jakarta Utara
Tipe Kerja : fulltime
Job deskipsi :

  1. Design and Develop UI / UX frameworks, components, and behaviors
  2. Responsible to create mockup design, story boards, graphical design both web, interactives prototype for new feature and mobile application
  3. Literature on Ui / UX design / prototype to continually improve our product
  4. Contribute ideas and design that can push company and product quality
  5. Work with other application development to enable them to implement UI/ UX framework components in web application and work on the Architecture / framework team of enterprise application
  6. Strong attention to detail and always want to learn

If you are interested, please send us your CV in English along with a recent photo and portofolio of your previous works to hr@frisidea.com

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Ditulis Oleh Lena Soenarto Dilihat 323 kali