Research Ecologist for Managing Biodiversity in an Oil Palm Landscape
PT. Solusi Bert Indonesia
Kota Administrasi Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
Industri :
Posisi yang dibuka: 0
Total seluruh posisi: 2
Posted : 17 January 2020 00:00 WIBtutup
Kategori Posisi : R&D dan Lab
PT. Solusi Bert Indonesia sedang membuka lowongan pekerjaan .
Jenjang : Master/S2
Prodi : Semua Prodi
  1. A Master’s degree (or higer) in ecological research or related field.
  2. A minimum 3 years of experience working with zoology/forestry
  3. A minimum 3 years of experience in working with:  - Zoology; radio-tracking/camera trapping, mist-netting, field surveys. Or   - Botany; forest-research and rehabilitation tree survey method, stock assessments.
  4. Experience with computer programes such as QGIS, EstimateS, R, VORTEX, or similar programmes to measure biodiversity indexes, undertake statistical analysis, population modelling, suitability mapping, and general data analysis and interpretation.
  5. Extensive understanding of ecological principles and species environment.
  6. Passionate about ecology, applied research and fieldwork.
  7. Passion for working in a team of multi-cultural and cross-sectoral environment.
  8. Preferably fluent in written and spoken bahasa Indonesia and English
  9. In possession of driving license.
  10. Willing to work at flexible hours.
Level Masuk : Entry Level
Tipe Kerja : fulltime
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