PT Nutricell Pacific
At Nutricell, we are more than just a company; we are pioneers in simplifying the science of animal nutrition and health. With our roots deeply entrenched in scientific principles, we strive relentlessly to contribute to the provision of safe, healthy, and affordable animal proteins. Our goal extends beyond mere business – we aim to enhance the value of human-animal companionship, ensuring a harmonious coexistence that benefits both. Our expertise in research and development (R&D) is not just a pillar of our operations; it’s the foundation upon which we build our successes.

Komp. Pergudangan Taman Tekno, Jl. Raya Viktor Bsd No.36 Blok L2, Ciater, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15310
Kota Tangerang Selatan , Banten
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