Faculty Member (Lecturer)
Bina Nusantara Group (BINUS)
Kota Administrasi Jakarta Barat, Indonesia
Industri :
Posisi yang dibuka: 0
Total seluruh posisi: 23
Posted : 23 February 2021 00:00 WIBtutup
Kategori Posisi : Pendidikan
Bina Nusantara Group (BINUS) sedang membuka lowongan pekerjaan dalam event IPB Virtual Fair 2021 Feat National Virtual Career Hack.
Jenjang : Minimal Master/S2
Prodi : Semua Prodi
Pengalaman : 2 tahun
  1. A Master Degree or higher in related major
  2. Minimum GPA is 2.75 out of 4.00
  3. 1 year experience in teaching /learning and research, preferably in Higher Education Institution
  4. 2—3 years professional experience in industrial field
  5. Have academic status (Jenjang Jabatan Akademik) from DIKTI, is highly preferable
  6. Have passion in teaching and learning
  7. Good Analytical & Conceptual thinking skills, creative and innovative
  8. Excellent written and spoken English
  9. Full-Time position(s) available
Level Masuk : Middle Level
Tipe Kerja : fulltime
Job deskipsi :
  1. Ensure the quality of teaching delivery within his/her classes according to the standard (Course Outline and On-Line Resources)
  2. Produce high quality research and publication
  3. Participate actively in community service programs
  4. Participate in the self-development program
  5. Advise students on academic matters (e.g. learning style, curriculum, etc.) and/or conducting other activities (according to department’s job assignments)
  6. Participate in the peer review activities
  7. Increase the successful of global learning system implementation
  8. Ensure that delivery of the program is aligned with BINUS University academic quality standard, DIKTI’s standard and continuously improved to reach world-class standard
Lowongan Terkait
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