Back-end Engineer
Kota Administrasi Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
Industri :
Posisi yang dibuka: 0
Total seluruh posisi: 20
Posted : 11 May 2021 15:00 WIBtutup
Kategori Posisi : Engineer
Schoters sedang membuka lowongan
Jenjang : Sarjana/S1
Prodi : Semua Prodi
  1. Minimum Bachelor Degree in Informatics Engineering, Computer Science or related field
  2. Having skills at least one in Back-End programming languages (Golang / Java / Node.js / PHP or other Back-End programming languages)
  3. Having knowledge about MySQL and PostgreSQL databases
  4. Understand the application of the concept of OOP and multithreading
  5. Good analytical & problem solving skills
Level Masuk : Top Level
Tipe Kerja :
Job deskipsi :
  1. Participate in the overall application lifecycle
  2. Coding and debugging
  3. Define and communicate technical and design requirements
  4. Troubleshoot and debug applications
  5. Stay up to date with current best practices

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Ditulis Oleh Rizki Nugraha Saputra Dilihat 460 kali