Alumni IPB Siap Kembangkan dan Distribusikan Benih Padi Unggul IPB 3S

Berita Umum | 30 Nopember -0001 00:00 wib Alumni IPB Siap Kembangkan dan Distribusikan Benih Padi Unggul IPB 3S

(Senin, 10 Oktober 2016)

Bogor ( – Alumni IPB siap mengembangkan dan mendistribusikan benih Padi IPB 3S. Demikian disampaikan Ketua Umum Himpunan Alumni Institut Pertanian Bogor (HA IPB) dalam kegiatan konsolidasi Dewan Pengurus Pusat, Dewan Pengurus Daerah dan Dewan Pengurus Cabang HA IPB di Cikole Jayagiri Resort Bandung, pada Minggu (9/10).

Ketua Umum HA IPB, Bambang Hendroyono menjelaskan, upaya ini bertujuan sebagai bentuk dukungan terhadap pengembangan benih Padi IPB 3S dan komitmen HA IPB bermanfaat untuk almamater dan masyarakat luas.

“Himpunan Alumni IPB sangat mendukung pengembangan dan penyebarluasan benih padi IPB 3S. DPC Subang sudah memberikan contoh, berhasil menanam dengan produktifitasnya mencapai lebih  dari 8 ton/ha, ini diatas rata-rata produktfitas varietas lain,” kata Bambang Hendroyono.

Menurutnya, keberhasilan DPC Subang harus dikuatkan oleh DPP dan dilakukan oleh DPD dan DPC lain sehingga lebih tersebar luas dan merealisasikan program swasembada pangan nasional.

Benih padi unggul IPB 3S merupakan inovasi IPB yang mempunyai keunggulan potensi hasil mencapai11.2-13.4 ton/ha, umur tanaman yang pendek sekitar 112 hari, tahan terhadap kekeringan, tahan terhadap penyakit Tugro dan serangan hawar daun bakteri Patotipe III, tekstur nasi yang pulen dan cocok di tanam di berbagai jenis lahan. Saat ini pengembangannya terkendala ketersediaan benih sumber.

Himpunan Alumni IPB harus menjadi pelaku gerakan kemandirian pangan secara nasional dan di semua daerah melalui penguatan organisasi DPP, DPD dan DPC. 

“DPP HA IPB harus menjadi mitra Almamater dan Pemerintah Provinsi masing-masing untuk menerapkan teknologi dan inovasi IPB sebagai bentuk upaya bersama mencapai kemandirian pangan,” kata Bambang Hendroyono yang juga sebagai Sekjen Kementerian LHK.

Benih Padi Unggul IPB 3S, menurutnya, sebagai tahap awal, selanjutnya harus ada lahan yang digarap oleh masing-masing DPD dan DPC HA IPB yang bisa melibatkan Pemprov. Sementara, DPP bertugas menguatkan kerjasama dengan Bogor Life Science and Technology (BLST), sebagai Holding Company IPB yang memproduksi Benih Padi Unggul IPB 3S, untuk menguatkan dukungan benih dan teknologinya.

“Diharapkan menjelang Musyawarah Nasional (MUNAS) HA IPB tahun 2017, semua sudah panen dan menjadi gerakan nasional. Berkelanjutan, masif dan viral.” Pungkas Bambang.

Pada acara konsolidasi, HA IPB juga memberikan bantuan ke SDN 4 dan 7 Cibogo berupa ruang baca, buku-buku pelajaran dan umum, bibit pohon, alat olahraga dan alat kebersihan. Santunan ke masyarakat hutan Desa Cikole dan penanaman pohon. Konsolidasi dihadiri oleh Dewan Pembina HA IPB, perwakilan DPC Subang, DPD Jawa Barat, DPD Aceh, DPD Banten, DPD Kalimantan Timur, dan DPD Maluku. (Erick/R1)

IPB Alumnus are Ready to Develop and Distribute Rice Seed Superior IPB 3S

Bogor ( – IPB Alumnus are ready to develop and distribute seed paddy IPB 3S. This was conveyed by the Chairman of the Association of Alumni Institut Pertanian Bogor (HA IPB) in the event of consolidation between Central Board, the Governing Council of Regional and Branch Executive Council HA IPB in Cikole Jayagiri Resort Bandung, on Sunday (9/10).

HA IPB Chairman, Bambang Hendroyono explained that the aim of this effort as a form of support for rice seed  IPB 3s development and HA IPB’s commitment for alma mater and the community.

"IPB Alumni Association supports the development and dissemination of rice seed IPB 3S. DPC Subang has given an example, they has been successfully grown with productivity level more than 8 tons /ha, they reached more than the average of productiviy from other varieties," said Bambang Hendroyono.

According to him, the success of Subang DPC should be strengthened by the DPP and conducted by DPD and other DPC so that it will more widespread and can achieve national food self-sufficiency program.

Seeds of  Rice Seed Superior IPB 3S is an innovation that has a good potential for yield result that reached 11.2-13.4 ton / ha, the plant age is about 112 days, drought-resistant, resistant to Tugro disease and bacterial leaf blight pathotype III attack, fluffier rice texture and suitable planting in various types of land. Now, the development is constrained by the availability of seed sources.

IPB Alumni Association should be a driver of national food self-sufficiency movement and in all regions through strengthening the organization DPP, DPD and DPC.

"DPP HA IPB must become a partner for almamater and each provincial government to implement the IPB’s technology and  innovation  as an efforts to achieve food self-sufficiency," said Bambang Hendroyono who is also the Secretary General of the Ministry of LHK.

Bambang Hendroyono said the Rice Seeds Superior IPB 3S, as the initial stage must be land provision that can used by each DPD and DPC HA IPB which can involve the provincial government. Meanwhile, the duty of DPP  is to strengthen cooperation with Bogor Life Science and Technology (BLST), a holding company IPB that produces Rice Seed IPB Superior 3S, and strengthening support for seed and technology.

"Hopefully before the National Conference (National Conference) HA IPB in 2017, all planted seeds have harvested and become a national movement. Sustainable, massive and viral. " added Bambang.

In the event of consolidation, HA IPB also provides assistance to SDN 4 and 7 Cibogo form of  reading room, textbooks, trees, sports  and hygiene equipment. Compensation to the local people in Cikole forest village and tree planting. Consolidation was attended by the Board of Trustees HA IPB, representative from DPC Subang, DPD from West Java, DPD from Aceh, Banten, East Kalimantan and Maluku. (Erick / R1)


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